Welcome to the survey. It has been specially designed in the wake of unprecedented business disruptions created by the Covid-19 pandemic. It aims to gather insights on how the CIO and CISO priorities in India are changing in response to the ongoing crisis.

All your responses will be strictly confidential and appear only as consolidated study findings. Individual responses will not be shared or published.

As a mark of gratitude for your participation in the study, we will be sharing the key findings of the study, for your internal consumption and usage.

Next generation data center survey

About this survey

It is a well-recognized fact that storage and data-center transformation is essential for a successful digital transformation. This quick survey is aimed at assessing the state of storage transformation in enterprises. 

Section A – Your Profile

In the section below, please tell us about yourself in brief. 

Section B – Storage transformation survey

The three quick questions below will take less than 2 minutes of your time.