Apple has finally brought its iPad tablet to India, and while it’s not exactly too little too late yet, it borders on being so. And that’s not just because iPad 2 could be very much round the corner, but also because India is no longer a virgin land as far as tablets are concerned. Already, Samsung and Dell have brought their mini tablets to Indian shores. Also, Olive Telecom has been selling its OlivePad for a relatively longer time.

So a tablet seeker has got many options to choose from (with more, like RIM’s PlayBook) in the pipeline. And then, there is also Notion Ink’s Adam–the much touted iPad killer–which is expected to start deliveries for the first batch of orders very soon. “Next Order stage is starting soon. We are just ensuring that from Mastercard to Banking issues would not be there this time,” blogged Notion Ink CEO Rohan Shravan earlier this week.

And these are the reasons (yes, the ongoing 3G rollouts are another important one) why Apple finally made a ‘hurried’ arrival and is also priced attractively, starting at Rs 27,990.

So could it be worth waiting for more options to be available, especially those powered by Andriod Honeycomb and yes, the dual-core processors?

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