Evolutions in ICT technologies are happening at such breakneck speeds today that their effects are comparable to revolutions. An area where the pace of this rapid evolution is perhaps most notable is the development of processors that go into various client devices as well as other computing equipments.
Interestingly, it was way back in 1965 that Intel’s co-founder Gordon Moore penned down an empirical observation, noting that the number of components that can be packed in an integrated circuit would double every year. Later he made a revision stating that the doubling would happen every two years.
The statement has since been formalized into one of the most venerable laws in the technology industry. It’s been a yardstick for setting targets at semiconductor companies. It has held ground for nearly half a century now and doesn’t show any definite signs of aging yet.
But that doesn’t seem to satisfy technology companies, particularly when they are looking at future. A few months ago it was reported that IBM and 3M are working together to glue together up to a hundred and then more wafers is a case in point. The end result would be a new form factor of computing, already being termed as a ‘silicon skyscraper,’ that could bring unthinkable power even to client devices like the smart phones and the tablets.
Now that’s fantastic, indeed. But then, is that enough? Certainly not, in today’s increasingly connected world, where everything-as-a-service and cloud paradigms are gaining momentum and where the network would be the computer.
Developments in the areas of network infrastructure and bandwidth must keep pace with the blitzkrieg pace of development in processors. Only then, ICT experience as a whole would be meaningful for the consumer.
In India, the broadband targets have fallen short, year after year. Both policy makers and industry stakeholders have been looking at 3G and upcoming LTE networks with hope. Also, in the backdrop of the 2G scam, there is a proposal to set up a new spectrum management body through an Act of Parliament. Indeed, needed is a bill that in turn could help build a network that can harness the future processing power of newer devices that could arrive as early as 2013.
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