Facebook launches app that brings it to feature phones: According to a post put up by Mark Heynen, Mobile Program Manager at Facebook, the social networking giant is launching a new mobile app to bring Facebook to the most popular mobile phones around the world. “We want people to have a great mobile experience no matter what type of phone they carry. Smartphones have offered better features for sharing with friends but aren’t used by most people around the world,” Heynen said.
The application was launched today in nine countries with select operators. These are Dialog (Sri Lanka), Life (Ukraine), Play (Poland), StarHub (Singapore), STC (Saudi Arabia), Three (Hong Kong), Tunisiana (Tunisia), Viva (Dominican Republic) and Vodafone (Romania).
Facebook also listed five more countries and operators where the application would be available soon. These are Mobilicity (Canada), Reliance (India), Telcel (Mexico), TIM (Brazil) and Vivacom (Bulgaria).
The Facebook for Feature Phones app works on more than 2,500 devices from Nokia, Sony Ericsson, LG and other manufacturers, and it was built in close cooperation with Snaptu, Heynen, who was noted as one who still loves his flip phone, wrote in the blog post titled “A Better Mobile Experience for More People:” http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=483824142130&ref=mf
Zen Mobile brings GPRS-ready triple-SIM phone to India at Rs 3,499: Just a day after the news that Akai had introduced a triple-SIM phone in India at Rs 3,295, Zen Mobile too has launched a triple-SIM mobile phone M111. The device has a 2.4-inch screen, 1.3 megapixel camera, an e-book reader and is expandable to up to 8GB of memory. It is priced at Rs 3,499 and is a GPRS-ready device.
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